
Politico’s Morning Money Highlights TRP Financial Services Report

May 12, 2014

In today's issue of Politico Morning Money, the financial tip-sheet highlights Thorn Run Partner’s and Jason Rosenstock’s analysis of what is going on in Congress.

Politico’s Morning Money Highlights Thorn Run Partners' Financial Services Report

“Could Congress be mirroring the old stock investing strategy of ‘sell in May and go away?’ … As predicted last week the House dissolved into partisan fighting as we witnessed nearly party line votes on establishing a Benghazi Commission, holding Lois Lerner in contempt, and making permanent the R&D tax credit. In the Senate, extraneous issues once again held up consideration of the otherwise popular Shaheen-Portman Energy Efficiency bill, and it is unclear with there will be smooth sailing for the tax extenders bill that is up next on the agenda.

“With last week being the unofficial start of the primary season, and running until the beginning of September, it might mean that external political pressures will trump institutional interests in getting bills to the President’s desk until either a narrow window in October or in the post-November lame duck session. However, if Congress is truly aping this stock trading maxim, it also means that there will be great returns to earned on investments made now.”

The entire article can be found in Politico Morning Money, featured on the Politico website.