Press releases

Politico Morning Money Notes Jason Rosenstock’s Move to Thorn Run

January 17, 2014

In today's issue of Politico 'Morning Money,' the recent announcement that Democratic lobbyist Jason Rosenstock has joined Thorn Run Partners was given headline-worthy attention. "I look forward to helping the firm continue to build on its past success, particularly in the financial services, technology and telecom sectors where most of my expertise resides," said Mr. Rosenstock. In his previous role, Mr. Rosenstock was instrumental in assisting a client achieve the sole statutory exemption from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) during Congress’ consideration of Dodd-Frank.

Rosenstock to Thorn Run Partners

Thorn Run Partners announced today the addition of Jason Rosenstock as Partner. Jason joins Thorn Run from the DC lobbying arm of a leading Boston law firm, where he served as Director of Government Relations. While there, he served as the head of the firm’s financial services practice … Prior to his work in the private sector, Jason served as Legislative Counsel for Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA).

You can find the entire article online in Politico Morning Money, featured on the Politico website.