• Our Roots

    From its earliest beginnings as a collaboration between a former aide to the Democratic Senator Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy of Massachusetts and a staffer to Republican Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee, Thorn Run Partners has been bipartisan in both spirit and in practice.
    Thorn Run Partners 2023
  • Bipartisan

    In the years since its launch, Thorn Run has built upon that initial bipartisan balance to create a firm that comprises a true mix of professionals from across the ideological spectrum — all committed to the shared mission of serving our clients. As a result, TRP has quickly emerged as a recognized leader among the next generation of government affairs firms.
    Thorn Run Partners 2023
  • Approach

    By incorporating traditional lobbying, deep policy expertise, and innovative communications capabilities in one fully- integrated, client-friendly platform, TRP approaches every challenge with a truly comprehensive arsenal of skills, strategies, and tactics. And at the end of the day, it’s all geared towards one measurable outcome: our clients' success.
    Thorn Run Partners 2023
Thorn Run Partners 2023

How We Work

Thorn Run Partners offers our clients a seamlessly blended — and truly collaborative — team of policy experts and seasoned veterans of government service. Rare among government relations firms for its bipartisan composition and multidisciplinary capabilities, TRP relies on experience, creativity, and competence to achieve remarkable legislative and regulatory outcomes for its clients.
Active in both Democratic and Republican political circles, our team understands the legislative process — and the politics of the process — and possesses the relationships necessary to be effective advocates for clients before Congress and the Executive Branch.
With a keen understanding of the intersection between policy and public affairs, TRP also maintains key relationships with influential members of the Washington press corps, providing the opportunity to achieve earned media placements for clients that can lend support to their lobbying efforts.
Thorn Run Partners 2023

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Thorn Run Partners is fully committed to providing an inclusive work environment for our employees that respects their unique differences, strengths, and needs.

While we are incredibly proud of the diverse team we have grown to become, as well as the mutual respect and support our firm culture engenders, we are conscious of the need to continually strive to improve at recruiting, fostering, and celebrating people with varied backgrounds and perspectives.

That said, in our business, diversity is not just important from the perspective of building strong firm morale, it is also an essential component in our client service. To be effective advocates for our clients, as well as to best represent their core values, we know that Thorn Run Partners has to put a team on the field that boasts individuals who bring a range of authentic insights, perspectives, and relationships.

This means having a truly integrated collection of people whose various opinions and ideas are valued and incorporated into our work.