Telecoms & Tech
If the only constant in the telecommunications and technology sector is change, then you need a consultant that doesn’t just understand these disruptive technologies, but can translate the meaning of these transformations into a concise message that is easily digestible by policymakers.
It comes naturally to us, because the telecom and technology experts at Thorn Run Partners have worked these issues for years, both as congressional staffers and lobbyists.
TRP’s telecom and tech lobbyists bring substantial experience advocating on behalf of our clients before the key committees of jurisdiction as well as the Administration.
Our reach extends comfortably to both sides of the aisle of the House Energy and Commerce, Senate Commerce, and both Judiciary Committees, as well as the FCC, the Department of Commerce, and the White House.
From the more established mediums such as television, radio, and wireless, to the new technological advances that are transforming how we communicate with each other and the world around us, our team has the expertise and experience necessary to help you successfully navigate the political, legislative, and regulatory process.