At Thorn Run Partners, we place an extraordinarily high premium on setting clear objectives, defining the metrics by which to measure success, and achieving specific goals.
Success Stories
Shepherding Major Energy Legislation
TRP Oregon Drives a Legislative Win
Reinvigorating Government Support of the Solar Energy Industry
Protecting the Blueprint for Patient Services
Hitching a Ride on a Moving Health Care Vehicle
Delaying Devastating Budget Cuts
Creating Desirable Industry Regulation
Scoring a Regulatory Exemption for Medical Education
Rescinding a CMS Proposed Rule
Landing Federal Funding for Manufacturing Initiatives
Securing a Landmark Fiscal Relief Package for Restaurants
Obtaining Regulatory Relief through Legislation
Leveraging Congressional Support to Facilitate Regulatory Reform at HHS
Securing Federal Funding for a Critical Mental Health Program
Clinching a Legislative Victory for Health Care System Modernization
Preventing Regulatory Action from Undermining a Client’s Bottom Line
Fending Off High Taxes on a Client’s Source of Revenue
Ensuring Greater Access to a Medical Device through Expanded Coverage
Exempting an Industry from Regulations