
Grant Support

Significant amounts of discretionary funding resides at the agency level to be awarded through competitive grants pursuant to established procedures. These moneys include many new funding opportunities created in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which alone provides nearly five years of disparate funding opportunities.

TRP helps our clients navigate the policy, budgetary, and legislative processes to select the appropriate grant programs and maximize their chances to secure grant funding.

TRP has already helped our clients secure more than $1 billion from the infrastructure bill alone despite its infancy.

Our Process — Proven Success
  1. TRP provides due diligence, including discussing the grant criteria and funding requirements with the issuing agency, and then provides appropriate counsel.
  2. TRP also engages in Congressional outreach, such as working with Congressional offices to submit letters of support for clients’ grant applications.
  3. TRP’s continual contact and close working relationships with Federal agencies allow us to glean intelligence in advance of public announcements.

Being so well "plugged in" allows us provide our clients with timely information on research and infrastructure funding opportunities. Sometimes, this advanced timing is crucial. Additionally, TRP has extensive experience supporting winning competitive grant proposals by enhancing our clients' grant submissions. Depending on the services required, we can help you improve your submission, realign it more competitively, add team players for better results, and constructively edit and improve the final product.