Charged with helping shepherd a major reform to Oregon's energy and climate policy through the state legislature in an abbreviated 35-day 2016 Legislative session, TRP Oregon worked with a coalition of environmental and energy advocacy groups, investor owned utilities, and residential ratepayers to ensure a legislative victory for the Northwest's leading association of renewable energy producers.
Thorn Run's effort to corral support for the initiative led to the passage of the Oregon Clean Electricity and Power Plan – a bipartisan law which eliminates coal-sourced electricity, doubles the requirement for renewable energy usage, paves the way for greater involvement in the electric vehicle market by utilities, and facilities the development of community solar projects.

Oregon now has one of the strongest renewable portfolio standards in the country. After the bill passed, President Obama congratulated Oregon for taking the lead on clean energy and the New York Times recognized the effort, calling it a “pioneering pro-climate bill.” On a short clock and in a politically-contentious area, TRP delivered a comprehensive win for its clients as Oregon restructured its energy industry for a greener future.