Paul arrived at Thorn Run Partners after decades as an active player in the Washington policy-making milieu. While he has drawn on the experience and expertise he gained on Capitol Hill in the fields of public works and infrastructure to serve a wide range of clients in the private and public sectors, that experience has broadened over the years so that his knowledge of issues and problems confronting a variety of public entities provides him with the ability to assist them in successfully addressing a wide array of needs. That his clients have secured well in excess of $2 billion in federal assistance stands as testimony of his ability to provide solutions to almost any problem they face.
Paul’s career in public policy began on Capitol Hill, where he served for four years on the legislative staff of a senior Member of the California delegation. This was followed by seven years on the staff of the House Highways and Transit Subcommittee, where he served until his appointment and service of three years as Staff Director of the full Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. During his time on the Hill, Paul was involved with the drafting of legislation, and oversight of matters, involving highways and transit; the policies, programs, and projects of the Army Corps of Engineers; the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts; funding and regulation related to the aviation and motor carrier industries; our nation’s public buildings and grounds; and the Economic Development Administration. His interest in the programs of each of these continues unabated today.
Following his service on the Hill, Paul began a career as an advocate for clients seeking assistance from the federal government or seeking to ease administrative or regulatory burdens they face that emanate from Washington. His success at this can be measured not only by the amounts of assistance he has brought to them, but by the number of clients he continues to enjoy working with since initiating their relationships 15, 20, 25 years ago, and more. In addition to cities and counties ranging in size from 20,000 to well over a million, he has also been pleased to work with transportation districts, water agencies, and – of course – a variety of private sector clients.
Paul received his BA in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, and continued his studies at the University in Public Administration and Public Policy Analysis. Today, he enjoys living with his two daughters in “The Little City” of Falls Church, Virginia.