Stuart Chapman


Stuart joined Thorn Run Partners after over 15 years in government service and the field of government relations. Having been intimately involved with press, politics, and policy throughout his career, he has enjoyed a long-established track record of bringing a holistic approach to his clients’ challenges . As a former Chief of Staff for both a Congressional Blue Dog and a New Democrat, he has not only overseen several moderate Democratic offices, but takes pride in earning a reputation for bringing together people from both sides of the aisle.

Before becoming a Partner at Thorn Run Partners, Stuart served as a Partner at the American Continental Group. At the American Continental Group, he worked on a broad portfolio of clients, with a special focus in the telecommunications and health care sectors.

On the Hill, after leaving Senator Jay Rockefeller’s office in 2007, where he served as press secretary, Stuart was named Chief of Staff for Congressman Zack Space, who represented a historically-Republican Ohio district.  Stuart oversaw all aspects of the Congressman’s operations, including his technology, energy, and health care work on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. While there, Stuart engineered the creation and funding of Connecting Appalachia, a 16-county, multi-million dollar broadband venture whose goal was to bring connectivity and commerce to rural, Appalachian Ohio.

More recently, Mr. Chapman served as Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy of New York, where he orchestrated a multi-faceted plan that helped her to survive a 2012 redistricting cycle that saw her seat targeted for elimination. He also supervised the Congresswoman’s work on the Education and Workforce Committee and the Financial Services Committee, including her work as Ranking Member of the International Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee. During the 112th Congress, Mr. Chapman was honored with selection to the bi-cameral, bi-partisan Stennis Fellows Program.

Stuart earned a B.A. from Rhodes College, an M.A. from the University of Georgia, and a Ph.D. from Boston University. He is the author of the award-winning Shelby Foote: A Writer’s Life. He lives in Washington, DC with his wife, Bridget Walsh, and their twin children, Genevieve and Ben.