Leadership Set to Announce New Government Funding Strategy
February 28, 2024Yesterday’s meeting between President Biden and the “big four” congressional leaders appears to have yielded a tangible result in the form of another last-minute continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government funded. Under the emerging plan, six funding bills — Agriculture-FDA, Military Construction-VA, Energy-Water, Transportation-HUD, Interior-Environment, and Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) — would be punted to next Friday’s deadline to allow more time for the drafting and consideration of a forthcoming “minibus” spending package. The remaining measures — Labor-HHS-Education, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce-Justice-Science, State-Foreign Operations, and Legislative Branch — would run through March 22. A formal announcement on this agreement is expected “very soon,” according to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
- On the floor… While lawmakers wait for an announcement pertaining to government funding votes, the House will gavel in to consider 10 bills under suspension of the rules. This includes an Energy and Commerce Committee measure that would direct the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to streamline nuclear licensing and reduce fees, while aiming to boost the commission’s workforce and increase U.S. nuclear energy exports. Additionally, lawmakers will take up legislation to spur joint research and development (R&D) activities among the Department of Energy (DOE), National Laboratories, and Small Business Administration (SBA).