The Latest on Government Funding Ahead of Next Week’s Deadline
March 15, 2024Congress will return on Tuesday with less than one week until the next government funding deadline. According to the latest reports out of Capitol Hill, policy disagreements within two of the six remaining bills, Homeland Security and State-Foreign Operations, still have yet to be settled. Of note, Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Susan Collins (R-ME) reportedly told some Republican senators that she does not see a path forward for a fiscal year (FY) 2024 Homeland Security bill. As such, leadership is mulling the possibility of another continuing resolution (CR) for these two measures while passing the remaining bills — Labor-HHS-Education, Defense, Financial Services and General Government (FSGG), and Legislative Branch — in another “minibus” package. Text for the next appropriations package could be released as soon as this weekend, but much still remains in flux.