
Today on the Hill: CR to February Emerges As Likely Funding Scenario

December 19, 2018

Congressional leaders are reportedly making preparations to punt the government funding deadline into next year. Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) stated that the Senate is close to advancing a continuing resolution (CR) that would extend funding for the departments covered by the seven unfinished appropriations measures until early February. The deal will likely be supported by Democrats in both chambers, as Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that Democrats would “very strongly” consider the short-term measure. While Chairman Shelby and other Republican leaders have expressed cautious optimism about President Trump’s willingness to sign the bill, the president has thus far refused to publicly indicate which direction he will take.

On the floor, House lawmakers are set to resume legislative business this afternoon. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has queued up 12 bills under suspension of the rules, including bills that would reauthorize the Congenital Heart Futures (H.R. 1222) and Traumatic Brain Injury (H.R. 6615) programs. In the upper chamber, Senators are set to hold a final confirmation vote on Joseph Maguire to be Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.