
Today on the Hill: Energy Appropriations in the Senate; 14 Noncontroversial Votes in the House

April 26, 2016

The Senate is set to resume consideration of a $37.5 billion fiscal 2017 appropriations bill that would fund the Energy Department and government water projects, including the operations of the Army Corps of Engineers. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) moved to wrap up debate on the measure, filing cloture yesterday on the substitute amendment and the underlying bill. The cloture vote on the substitute amendment is set for tomorrow unless an agreement is reached to move it earlier. The Senate has agreed to vote today on amendments related to wind energy (No. 3812), water management (No. 3805), and Army Corps of Engineers construction funds (No 3820). The underlying measure would provide $37.5 billion for the Energy Department, Army Corps of Engineers, parts of the Interior Department and other agencies. That’s $355 million more than was allocated in fiscal 2016 and $261 million more than President Barack Obama requested. A pilot nuclear waste storage facility would be authorized under the measure.

The House has scheduled floor votes on 14 bills, including one that would amend the Volcker Rule so that an investment adviser affiliated with a bank could use the same name — or a variation of the same name — as a hedge fund or private-equity fund.  The chamber also is to consider legislation that would require the Transportation Security Administration to assess risks at all foreign airports that offer direct flights to the U.S. Another measure would stipulate that cultural artifacts stolen from Syria since the start of its civil war couldn’t be sold in or imported to the U.S.  Among the 14 bills slated to be considered today under suspension of the rules:

  • H.R. 4096 – The Investor Clarity and Bank Parity Act would amend the Volcker Rule so that an investment adviser affiliated with a bank could use the same name as a hedge fund or private equity fund, or a variation of the same name.
  • H.R. 5019 – The Fair Access to Investor Research Act of 2016 would direct the SEC to provide a legal safe harbor for broker-dealers that publish or distribute research reports on certain investment funds, such as exchange-traded funds.
  • H.R. 2901 – The Flood Insurance Market Parity and Modernization Act would expand the ability of property owners to use private policies to satisfy flood insurance requirements for mortgages and construction assistance, and states would be given more authority to regulate the policies.
  • H.R. 223 – The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2016 would reauthorize the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative would be reauthorized from fiscal 2017 through 2021 at an annual level of $300 million.
  • House Amendment to S. 1523 – To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize the National Estuary Program, and for other purposes.
  • H.R. 1684 – The Foreign Spill Protection Act of 2016 would hold operators of foreign offshore oil production facilities at fault for oil spills would be responsible for removal costs and damages in the U.S.
  • H.R. 4820 – The Combating Terrorist Recruitment Act of 2016 would require the Homeland Security Department’s efforts to counter terrorist recruitment to incorporate, to the extent practicable, the testimonials of former or estranged violent extremists or their associates, including friends and family.
  • H.R. 4698 – The Securing Aviation from Foreign Entry Points and Guarding Airports Through Enhanced Security Act of 2016 would require the Transportation Security Administration to assess security risks at all foreign airports that offer direct flights into the U.S. The bill also would formally authorize TSA’s National Cargo Security Program, and allow the TSA to donate security screening equipment to other countries.
  • H.R. 3583 – The PREPARE Act would authorize funding for several Homeland Security Department countermeasure, grant and training programs.
  • H.R. 2908 – The National Bison Legacy Act would establish the North American bison as the national mammal of the U.S.
  • H.R. 2615 – The Virgin Islands of the United States Centennial Commission Act would establish a “Virgin Islands of the United States Centennial Commission” to plan, develop and carry out activities in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the islands’ transfer from Denmark to the U.S. in 1917.
  • H.R. 4359 – The Administrative Leave Reform Act would bar federal agencies from placing an employee on paid administrative leave for more than 14 days a year because of misconduct or performance issues. The 14-day deadline could be extended for additional 30-day periods if the employee poses a threat and the agency provides Congress with required reports.
  • H.R. 4360 – The Official Personnel File Enhancement Act would require federal agencies to record an adverse finding against an employee who resigns before an investigation is resolved. Former employees would have an opportunity to challenge the finding before it’s added to their personnel file.
  • Concur in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1493 – The Protect and Preserve Cultural Property Act would prevent cultural artifacts stolen from Syria since the start of its civil war from being sold in or imported to the U.S.

‘Today on the Hill’ includes updates provided by the House and Senate majority leaders, as well information derived from publications including Bloomberg Government, The Hill, Politico, Roll Call, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Morning Consult.