
Today on the Hill: House Set to Pass CR

November 19, 2019

The House will reconvene for legislative business today eyeing action on Thursday's government funding deadline. Members will vote on a highly anticipated continuing resolution (CR) that would avert a funding lapse and create a new deadline of Friday, Dec. 20. In addition to a pay raise for the military and a funding boost for the Census Bureau, the bill addresses several expiring Medicare, Medicaid, and public health programs, and kills a $7.6 billion cut in federal transit funding. Additionally, the lower chamber will vote on a Financial Services suspension bill that would require public companies to disclose annually information on the racial, ethnic, gender, and veteran composition of their boards of directors. 

Following House passage of the stopgap, the Senate is expected to follow suit shortly thereafter. While a timeline has yet to formally be announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) indicated that he expects the bill to clear the chamber and be signed into law by President Donald Trump ahead of the funding deadline. While the upper chamber waits on the House to pass the CR, Senators will vote on Robert Luck’s nomination to be a Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit Court.