
Today on the Hill: House to Move on Cannabis Banking Bill

September 25, 2019

House lawmakers are expected to take up groundbreaking legislation under suspension of the rules today that would open up banking to cannabis companies. In a move aimed at getting the bill through the GOP-controlled Senate, House Democrats tacked on provisions to the Secure And Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act that would prevent a revival of the Obama-era program known as "Operation Choke Point," and clarify that institutions doing business with hemp companies will not face scrutiny under federal law. Also on the House floor, lawmakers will consider a bill that would restrict family separation policies and Customs and Border Protection transfer rules.

Meanwhile, the Senate is readying a second attempt at passing a joint resolution (S J Res 54) that would terminate President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration that gave him the authority to use military construction funding to build a wall on the U.S. Mexico Border. Under current law — which allows the president to divert funds in the event of a national emergency — Congress is allowed to vote against the declaration once every six months. President Trump vetoed the first resolution back in March, and the Senate fell short of a veto-proof majority by eight votes.