
TRP Financial Services Report

July 14, 2014

Although there are a handful of legislative days that will be on the books when Congress returns after the August recess, it appears as if both the House and the Senate are about to enter an intense three week sprint. In the House, this may be part of an effort by the Leadership to “clear the decks” by voting on some issues not particularly popular with Conservatives, such as TRIA, before Representative McCarthy assumes the Majority Leader position. Regardless, with everyone resigned to waiting until after the elections in order to deal with most of the major pieces of legislation facing Congress, any work done during these next few weeks should hopefully reduce “congestion” when we are all still at this in late November and December.

Looking ahead, on Friday soon-to-be Majority Leader McCarthy announced that the following bills could be on the floor this week: the highway bill extension legislation, legislation related to charitable giving, the Financial Services Appropriations bill and potentially TRIA. While TRIA is potentially going to be on the House floor, the Senate is definitely considering the measure this week, after reaching an agreement to bring the measure, plus debate on four amendments forward. On Thursday the CFPB will hold a field hearing on consumer complaints.

Further out, twenty-four legislative days remain until the targeted adjournment date of October 2nd. There are 79 days left until the Federal Fiscal Year ends and Ex-Im Bank authorization expires. There are 21 days until the NFL Kicks off the 2014 season with the Hall of Fame Game in Canton, OH.

The full edition of this week's Thorn Run Partner's Financial Services Report is available here.