
TRP Grants Newsletter

May 5, 2020

In This Issue:

Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements

Agency: Federal Railroad Administration 

Description: The purpose of this program is to increase rail transportation safety, efficiency, and reliability. Eligible applications include projects that address congestion challenges, highway-rail grade crossings, upgrade short-line railroad infrastructure, relocate rail lines, improve intercity passenger rail capital assets, and deploy railroad safety technology. 

Funding Available$311.75 million is available. The grant will award an expected 25 projects and requires a match. 

Eligibility: States, interstate compact, public agency, political subdivision of a State, Amtrak or another Rail Carrier that provides Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation, Class II and Class III railroads, Transportation Research Boards, University transportation center, or non-profit labor organization representing a class or craft of employees of Rail Carriers.  

Closing Date: June 19, 2020

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program – COVID-19 Supplemental

Agency: FEMA 

Description: The purpose of this additional funding is to provide financial assistance directly to fire departments, nonaffiliated emergency medical services organizations, and State Fire Training Academies for critical Personal Protective Equipment and supplies needed to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Funding Available: $100 million is available. The grant will award an expected 1000 projects and requires a match. 

Eligibility: State, local, tribal, and territorial fire departments and organizations that represent the interests of firefighters. Closing DateMay 15, 2020

 Fire Prevention and Safety Grants

Agency: FEMA 

Description: The purpose of this program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. The program will reward local jurisdictions that are proactively taking steps to adopt and enforce the most current model codes.

Funding Available: $35 million is available. The grant will award an expected 150 projects and individual grants will range from $1.5 million to $35 million. The grant requires a match. 

Eligibility: State, local, tribal, and territorial fire departments and organizations that represent the interests of firefighters. Closing DateMay 29, 2020  

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant

Agency: FEMA 

Description: The purpose of this program is to help increase or maintain the number of trained firefighters to help communities to provide adequate protection from fire and fire-related hazards, and to fulfill traditional missions of fire departments. 

Funding Available: $350 million is available. The grant will award an expected 300 projects and requires a match. 

Eligibility: State, local, tribal, and territorial fire departments and organizations that represent the interests of firefighters. 

Closing Date: May 15, 2020

Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program 

Agency: Bureau of Justice Assistance 

Description: The purpose of this program is to provide financial and technical assistance to states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments to enhance the operations of drug courts or to implement new veterans treatment courts. The program assists courts integrate evidence-based substance abuse treatment, random drug testing, equitable sanctions and incentives, and transitional services in judicially-supervised court settings with jurisdiction over offenders to reduce recidivism, substance abuse, and prevent overdoses. 

Funding Available: The grant will award an expected 96 projects. Individual grants will be funded up to $750,000 and requires a match. 

Eligibility: States and territories; states and local courts; Indian Tribal governments  

Closing Date: May 14, 2020