Month: January 2015
TRP Health Policy Report
The Hill: ‘Small Shops are Winning Big’
As several boutique shops tally up their final revenue numbers for the year, The Hill names Thorn Run Partners (TRP) as the fastest growing of 10 boutique firms that provided annual growth reports. Citing Republican control of the Senate among the factors that have “provided a ripe environment for growth,” the article highlights TRP’s addition of Harriet Melvin, a longtime lobbyist with Republican ties, as the firm’s tenth partner. As 2015 begins, TRP is looking to continue on as what The Hill calls "a growing bipartisan shop."
TRP Health Policy Report
TRP Financial Services Report
It seems clear that we are now clearly in the world of “Veto Politics” and despite Republican majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Democratic minority has real power to negotiate with Republicans if both sides want to get anything done. With the respective flanks of both sides appearing willing to sacrifice the perfect for the good – only time will tell if the so-called adults in the room will be able to find enough moderates to pass substantive legislation by veto proof margins.
TRP Health Policy Report
TRP Financial Services Report
Speaker John Boehner won reelection despite the defection of 25 conservative Republicans. While initial attention focused on the Speaker’s retaliation and the removal of certain members from the Rules Committee, if he were to channel his true Frank Underwood, then he would have rescinded the waiver that allowed Rep. Garrett to keep his chairmanship of the Capital Markets Subcommittee, something that does not seem likely to happen. Regardless, the Speaker was elected with a six vote cushion, meaning that the Republican leadership will not be as hard pressed to seek Democratic votes this year, though with reports of how Dodd-Frank modifications appear to be dividing House Democrats it seems like the minority party is also suffering from identity orthodoxy politics.
Meanwhile, the economy continues to hum along, with the latest jobs report noting that 252,000 jobs were added in December. While this was a decrease from the 321,000 jobs added to the payrolls in November, it was buttressed by the fact that unemployment fell to 5.6 percent. The continued economic growth means that both sides can do what politicians do best – claim victory.
Near Term
- The House will have a shortened work week, as both the Republicans and Democrats leave town for their respective Legislative Retreats. However, before leaving the House is expected to pass H.R. 37, legislation which failed to pass under the Suspension calendar last week (see below for more). The House is also expected to pass legislation to fund the Department of Homeland Security, the only agency whose funding was set for the fiscal year in the CRomnibus legislation passed last year.
- The Senate will consider legislation to approve the Keystone Pipeline.
- The President will roll out a series of proposals to address cybersecurity, identity security, privacy and technology access over four days next week. Similar to last week, these are issues he intends to address in the State of the Union later this month.
Further Out
- President Obama will deliver the State of the Union on January 20th.
- Funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out on Feb 27th.
Liberal Dems Dig in on Dodd-Frank Reform
On Wednesday, by a vote of 273-146, the House failed to approve H.R. 37, a series of Dodd-Frank reforms, including changes to the Volcker Rule, as well as the Swaps section of the law. Although more than half of the house voted for the bill, it fell 18 votes short of securing the 2/3rds of the House necessary to pass bills through the “suspension” process, which was how it was brought up. Republicans then announced that the bill will be back this week, though it will come to the floor under a rule, a process that only requires a simple majority for passage. However, with the President announcing that he would have vetoed the measure, it is unlikely to move quickly through the Senate, and, as currently constituted, not going to become law. Whether some of the other, less controversial, elements of the bill could move in a different way remains possible.
House Passes Rule to Allow for Dynamic Scoring
On Tuesday, as part of the House Rules and on a nearly party-line vote (234-172) the House voted to allow the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation – the two Congressional entities charged with determining the budgetary impact of legislation – to use “dynamic scoring.” The change was controversial as Democrats accused Republicans of setting up a system of “fuzzy math” in order to push for tax reform. Dynamic scoring is a way of figuring out the cost of legislation by imputing the economic effects of the bill into the score, or cost, and is viewed by some as improving the likelihood that that Congress could take up tax reform this year.
Waters Announces Congressional Amicus Brief on Disparate Impact Case
On Friday, Ranking Member Waters announced that late last year she and twenty-one other current and former members of Congress, including the recently deceased Edward Brooke and former Senator and VP nominee Walter Mondale, signed an Amicus Brief for the upcoming Supreme Court case, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, et al. v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. The case is about whether the theory of disparate impact is applicable under the Fair Housing Act, and the Waters brief supports the position that it is. The case is being closely watched as it will be the first time the Supreme Court has weighed in on this issue.
Senate Approves TRIA
On Thursday, by a vote of 93-4, the Senate approved legislation to extend TRIA for five years. The move followed quickly after the House passed the legislation on Wednesday by a vote of 416-5. As part of the agreement to take the bill up in the Senate, the chamber voted down an amendment, by a vote of 31-66, offered by Senator Warren that would have stripped out the so-called end user provision from the TRIA legislation, with Democrats arguing that Dodd-Frank changes should not be included in unrelated legislation. Another unrelated provision in the bill that didn’t draw any controversy was offered by Senator Vitter, and it reserves a seat on the Federal Reserve Board for someone with “community bank” experience. Interestingly, President Obama’s recently announced nominee might not meet the definition of community bank experience as set forth in the bill.
Senate Financial Services Cardinal Announced
Last week the Senate Appropriations Committee announced the Chairmen, or Cardinals, of the various subcommittees. Senator John Boozeman (Arkansas) will take over the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the Treasury, SEC, and CFTC among other agencies.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
FHA Announces Reduction in Annual Premiums
On Thursday, the HUD Secretary Julian Castro announced that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) would reduce its annual premiums by half a percent. The move, which HUD noted would save more than two million FHA homeowners an average of $900 annually and spur 250,000 new homebuyers to purchase their first home over the next three years, was almost immediately met with criticism from Republicans. For example, Senators Corker and Vitter sent a letter to HUD urging the Secretary to reconsider the decision, while House Financial Services Committee Chairman Hensarling expressed his concerns that the move, along with recent bank settlements would deplete the FHA’s insurance fund. The Chairman also invited Secretary Castro to come before the Committee in February to offer his explanation. If Castro does come to the Committee he can expect to be defended by the Ranking Member, who strongly praised FHA’s announcement.
IRS Working on Anti-Inversion Regulations
On Monday, Erik Corwin, Deputy Chief Council (Technical) for the IRS spoke at a luncheon where he mentioned that the IRS was actively working on regulations to implement its anti-inversions Notice as well as additional guidance that could include action on earnings stripping. The move came shortly before House Minority Leader Pelosi unveiled the Democrats alternative agenda, which among other things included a plan to push an anti-inversion bill that would subject a foreign corporation to U.S. taxes if it acquired a U.S. corporation or partnership after May 8, 2014, so long as it would then own more than half the stock of the new entity, or its management or control is mostly within the U.S. and the new entity has significant U.S. business activities. It is highly unlikely that such a measure would advance in the Republican controlled House.
FSOC Regulations of Asset Managers Not for “Immediate Horrizon”
Speaking before a Brookings Institute Event on Asset Management, on Friday, Deputy Assistant Secretary for FSOC Patrick Pinschmidt, indicated that it was “very premature” to think the FSOC was preparing any regulations of the asset management industry in the immediate near future. Noting that the Council was “still in the risk identification phase of its work” and it was still waiting for comments from the Dec 24th notice in the Federal Register. Speaking at the same conference, Nellie Liang, director of the Federal Reserve’s Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research also noted that more data was needed, especially on mutual funds’ use of derivatives.
Tuesday January 13th at 10:00am in 2167 Rayburn, the House Financial Services Committee will hold an organizational hearing.
Outlook on the 114th Congress
The Hill Cites TRP’s Melvin as a Leader in Engaging Women in Politics
A new article in The Hill points to Thorn Run’s addition of Harriet Melvin as the firm’s tenth partner. According to the article, “Melvin spent 10 years at Quinn Gillespie & Associates, but she comes from a firm she founded in 2010 called The Capitol Group.” While Melvin has experience in a wide variety of legislative issues such as telecommunications, financial services and intellectual property, she is also active in groups that promote women’s participation in politics.
Continue reading “The Hill Cites TRP’s Melvin as a Leader in Engaging Women in Politics”
Politico Influence: Melvin ‘Knows How to Help Clients Succeed in Washington’

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