Health Policy Report (8/30)

Capitol Hill Update

House lawmakers will meet for “Committee Work Days” this week as key committees of jurisdiction are scheduled to begin crafting legislative language that conforms to the fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget resolution’s instructions. Members will kick off markups of their respective portions of the reconciliation package next week — starting with the Natural Resources and Oversight & Reform Committees on Thursday. While a formal announcement from each committee is still forthcoming, the currently anticipated markup schedule is as follows:

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Health Policy Report

Capitol Hill Update

The House will convene for a brief legislative session this week as lawmakers eye action on the Senate-passed budget resolution for fiscal year (FY) 2022. Members will vote today on a rule that will set up debate on the budget resolution, voting rights legislation, and the bipartisan infrastructure deal. While the budget resolution and John Lewis Voting Rights Act (H.R. 4) are both slated for final up-or-down votes tomorrow, the bipartisan infrastructure deal is not expected to be taken up until later in the fall after a budget reconciliation package has been clinched. Nearly a dozen moderate Democrats are continuing to press for a vote on the infrastructure package as soon as possible, however, with some threatening to vote against the budget resolution absent a vote on Biden-endorsed legislation. Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi doubled down her position in a “Dear Colleague” letter last week that emphasized the importance of triggering the reconciliation process, while taking a swipe at the Senate’s infrastructure bill for “not [being] reflective of the totality of Democrats’ vision.”

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Health Policy Report (8/16)

Capitol Hill Update

The Senate wrapped up its extended summer session last week after passing the bipartisan infrastructure deal and adopting the Democratic budget resolution for fiscal year (FY) 2022. Both measures now head to the House, where lawmakers will return during the week of August 23 to get a head start on its jam-packed legislative agenda for the fall. Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) noted in a “Dear Colleague” letter that Members will take up the $3.5 trillion budget framework and formally trigger the reconciliation process, as well as legislation pertaining to voting rights.

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Health Policy Report (8/9)

Capitol Hill Update 

Senators wrapped up another weekend session on the bipartisan infrastructure deal as the Biden-endorsed effort inched closer to final passage. The $550 billion agreement cleared its final set of procedural hurdles on Sunday, with 18 Republicans joining all 50 Democrats in voting to end debate on the underlying measure. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had hoped to wrap up consideration of the measure late last week, but lingering disagreements over amendments have dragged out the process into the second week of August.

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