The Week in Review
Despite last-second concerns from some senators, the House easily passed the legislative vehicle (H.R. 34) for the 21st Century Cures medical research package on a 392-26 vote last Wednesday. Passage in the lower chamber sets up consideration in the Senate this week, where the bill is expected to pass and be signed by President Obama before the winter holidays. The House also passed a bill last week (H.R. 6392) 254-161 that would alter the threshold for bank holding companies to be automatically designated “systemically important” and subject to additional regulatory scrutiny from the Federal Reserve. The measure passed over a veto threat from the White House and may offer a glimpse into the intentions of congressional Republicans once President-elect Trump takes office next year.
The House also advanced legislation (H.R. 6393) to reauthorize U.S. intelligence agencies, including the addition of new initiatives designed to counter the influence of Russian propaganda. In the Senate, lawmakers advanced a non-controversial Iran sanctions bill (H.R. 6297) and a measure (S. 2873) that would require the Department of Health and Human Services to study the use of distance-education technologies to provide health care, particularly in rural and underserved areas.
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