The Week in Review
With Congress starting its seven-week recess, the Republican Party held its national convention in Cleveland, Ohio to formally nominate Donald Trump for President. While many observers expected the convention to serve as a lightning rod for protests, the fireworks mostly came from the speaker’s podium as Republican stalwarts, celebrities, and numerous members of the Trump family all spoke to a raucous crowd assembled in Cleveland’s basketball arena. The speeches were fairly light on policy and some – most notably Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – failed to provide a full endorsement of the nominee, but Republicans were united in their opposition to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. In his acceptance speech, Trump described a nation in turmoil and portrayed himself as the candidate who would return “law and order” to American society. From a health policy perspective, the focus on the personal attributes of the candidates overshadowed differences on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – or Obamacare – which had been a crucial part of the Republican campaign in the 2010 midterms and 2012 presidential election.