Congress will return to action today as lawmakers begin to formulate a post-impeachment agenda. In the upper chamber, Senators are expected to take up a “War Powers” resolution that would require President Donald Trump to withdraw any troops from military hostilities against Iran within 30 days. The resolution is expected to pass at some point this week after four GOP Senators — Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Todd Young (R-IN) — announced their support for the effort. Meanwhile, Senators will resume consideration of pending presidential nominations, starting with the nomination of Andrew Brasher to be Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit Court.
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In CQ Roll Call, TRP’s Rosenstock Forecasts Congress’s Financial Services “To-Do List” in 2020
In an article for CQ Roll Call, TRP’s Jason Rosenstock offered his insights on Congress’s Financial Services “to-do” list for 2020. While speculation indicates that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will spend more time on presidential nominations in 2020, Rosenstock pointed to cannabis banking legislation, anti-money laundering laws, and flood insurance reform as top priority policy items that could hitch a ride on a larger financial services-related package or must-pass measure before the end of this year. “Clearly there is a broad interest in getting some type of relief for banks and payment processors,” said Rosenstock. “But whether there is enough support for a narrow, financial services industry-only fix will play itself out over the next year.”
Continue reading “In CQ Roll Call, TRP’s Rosenstock Forecasts Congress’s Financial Services “To-Do List” in 2020”This Week on the Hill: Senate Impeachment Trial Looms After Pelosi Breaks Impasse
Lawmakers will resume legislative business later this afternoon as the Senate gears up for the next phase of the impeachment process. In a “Dear Colleague” letter to lawmakers late last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that the House will take up a resolution to appoint managers and transmit the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to the Senate. Senators are expected to swiftly begin the impeachment trial process upon disposition of the resolution.
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